a goddess of the sea

a goddess of the sea

Sunday, June 5, 2011

my primitive video of my latest art show

This show was displayed from April 4 - May 23, 2011 @ Doc Martin's Restaurant in taos, New Mexico.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

first blog ever

BLOGS : I've read them, but rarely commented. Perhaps this will be my first and last ..

I am currently working on the finishing touches of the artwork for an upcoming show.
This is new to me as I have up until now only shown to people, one on one... or to friends..
The community I am showing in is Taos ... which if anyone has noticed, quite full of visual artists.

I moved here in 1980 because of the beauty of these surroundings and because I was following my heart.
By nature, I am reclusive. I create art from many mediums and enjoy the freedom of making drawings and paintings spontaneously, whenever and wherever I might be. In doing this I have only felt the judgement of my inner self, the one who has all the opinions and comments... When I request an opinion from my children or any of a very few trusted friends, I put myself in a mode of THE STUDENT, and sometimes trust what they say as what I should change or do to a piece of work. Listening and trying to show that I am respecting the opinion, to me, is difficult, even though I asked for it and even though they are probably technically correct. The freedom to make art in any form I choose is the highlight of the process, and entertains me while doing it. I mostly do not care if I add TOO MANY DETAILS, or if the people are strange and their features imperfect. I paint the SPIRIT of things / animals / life ...  When I want to draw realistically I can and do. But to me, life is full of perfect imperfection. I paint people however they come about, with arms that look like legs, with hair that flows like watery birds and leaves. If I want an exact replica to remember something or someone, I can take a photograph. But, I see things differently as the ink comes out of the pen, as the paints moves on the canvas .... life is full of curves and color, expressions on faces, spirits of birds ... perhaps I will write again .....